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In July, Quetzal delivered a 4 creative and support drop-ins sessions. In total, we had an average of 4 attendees per week including facilitators.

The delivery of the sessions would not have been possible without the support and commitment of two interns funded through the University of Leicester Citizen of Change programme.

At first Quetzal chose to trial different times on Wednesday to run the session. It became clear that Quetzal needed to stick to only one time to deliver the session and it ended up being between 11-1pm on Wednesday

One central discussion during the sessions was about the future of Quetzal, and what activities Quetzal could host for the beneficiaries.

Apart from the craft and art activities, some indicated that it would be great to have some sport activities such as yoga or self-defence training. Other indicated that it would be great to have some creative writing sessions.

One main challenge for Quetzal to continue delivering the activities is capacity. In that regard, Quetzal needs to recruit volunteer to commit 2-3hours per week to host activities.

If you are interested in volunteering for Quetzal, please visit our volunteer page for more information about the role we have on offer.

Volunteer as an Arts & Crafts Volunteer

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