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Crush the Hush Programme are a serie of initiatives and campaigns aiming to raise awareness about the trauma of childhood sexual abuse and the value of counselling amongst young people between the age of 16-24 years old living in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland.

With the support of volunteer community connectors and Leicester Education Business Company leading each year NCS teams, Quetzal is able to measure the increase in awareness amongst young 16-24 female survivors.

In 2020-2021, 71 women aged 16-24 years old referred themselves to Quetzal for support. It was a 238% increase compared to 2019-2020 (n=21) and the highest number of referrals amongst other age ranges. In 2021-2022, 80 women aged 16-24 referred themselves to Quetzal.

Quetzal needs more than ever support with fundraising and donations to continue their valuable work with young women survivors of childhood sexual abuse.

Read below blog post related to the Crush The Hush campaigns and initiatives

Who is supporting the initiative?

Leicester Education Business Company is the main supporter of the initiative working each year with young people in the delivery of the NCS programme in the region.

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